Your Hands Around My Neck.

Back in G-town.
I've got two cameras <3!
English Summer Rain.

R.I.P Mobile & iPod.
Music for tonight:
The Wiew - Same Jeans
Kate Nash - Foundations
Mando Diao - Ochrasy
Time Goes By, So Slowly.

My iPod works again!! Woho! So, Malin and I are off to London now, right darla?
Right now, its just schoolschoolschool. But have got a new favorite serie on Tv; HEROES! Milo is insane<3
See You Later Elevator.
Long time no updating. My life roll on as usual and now has school started to get busy! But between the studeing we've actually done some partA;

PartA at Olles. Cool!

Then it was the Rudeboxparty. Comme si comme ca. But we looked fab.
Btw, I lost my gymclothes on the tram today, soo annoying! But mostly, life's good.

PartA at Olles. Cool!

Then it was the Rudeboxparty. Comme si comme ca. But we looked fab.
Btw, I lost my gymclothes on the tram today, soo annoying! But mostly, life's good.